Hey!! Mom
What is a Mutiny Team Mom?
So you volunteered to be Team Mom. Now What? The following information will get you on the right track so do not worry. You will find the time you put in for volunteering as Team Mom rewarding and fun. Generally speaking, the Team Mom’s duties and responsibilities are to do the administrative tasks for the team which will allow the coach to concentrate on coaching, the players and team development.
Team Mom meeting – Attend the Team Mom meeting and receive the information to pass on to the coach and parents. At this meeting you may have to pick up the fundraiser (if any) for those players electing to participate in the fundraiser. Some organizations offer a buyout. In other words, parents can pay additional money and skip selling candy, pop corn or other fundraising activity. You may also receive the team’s uniforms. Be sure to bring them to the practice and pass them out to the team after you have written down which jersey number will go to what teammate.
- List of players – Make a list of all players and include their name, parents’ name and telephone number. It is a good idea to put a parent as a contact in your cell phone as well. In case of an unexplained absence, you’ll quickly be able to call the parent. Always carry you cell phone with you. A player might miss a game because they have the wrong game time – Yikes!
- Team roster – You’ll be responsible for making a team roster and snack schedule. Begin by listing the scheduled game date, location and time. Next add the team player that will be responsible for bringing snacks that day (numerical jersey order is a good place to start). It’s easier to combine the roster, game and snack schedule on the same form. (See sample forms on our Newsletter). Snacks kids of all ages enjoy are: crackers, cookies, grapes, oranges, fruit snacks, jerky, applesauce or fruit cup (don’t forget the spoon), juice box, water or Gatorade. Older kids love sun flower seeds, nuts (check for food allergies first) and potato chips. You can get a feel for what the parents like their kids to have after just a few games.
- Email parents – Obtain each parent’s email address and send out a “Hey I’m Team Mom” email as soon as you can. You will want to always keep parents informed of what’s going on. If the coach hasn’t done so already, be sure to let them know when practices are expected, how early they need to show up before the game, etc. Always include a signature at the bottom of your emails and always put your cell phone number. This way, parents won’t have to search for a previous email with your number – they can it expect it to accompany your email signature every time.
- Ensure Team website information get to the webmaster – The Shutdown Mutiny website is has to technology to help parents, players and coaches stay connected with team information Also, your coach may ask you information about a player and rather than taking ten minutes to look it up in that massive binder. you can use your technology device of choice,.
- Uniforms – You may have to coordinate uniform pickup and distribution.
They should be passed out to all players and their name and uniform number recorded. The best place to put this information is on the Snack and Team Schedule roster sheet. (See sample forms on our Newsletter)
- Order the team banner – Team Mom may have to assist the coach in ordering a team banner. After you’ve ordered the banner, let each parent know what the cost per player is and collect for the banner. Most likely you will also be responsible for bringing the banner to each game.
- Try to get a sponsor – If you know someone who has a business you can solicit a letter requesting a sponsorship for the team. The sports organization should have the forms for you to give to businesses. If you do receive a sponsor, be sure to thank them with a plaque and by inviting them to the end of the season party.
- Attend practices and games – Please make every effort to be at all practices and games. Usually the coach will provide team information such as any scheduling changes, time to meet prior to the game, etc. It’s easier for the Team Mom to hear this first hand and send an email reminder out to those parents who may have missed the practice. If you can’t make a practice or game, please let the coach know ahead of time and be sure to call him or her for any information that was given to parents so that you can send out an informational e-mail.
- Keep registration information –Mutiny team moms are required to keep the "Books" of you team and of the players information which contains their authorization for medical releases in case of an emergency and contact phone numbers. Be sure to bring this to every game and practice.
- Snack bar duty – Sometime during the season your team will be assigned a snack bar duty day. It will be your responsibility to politely recruit the parents to volunteer to help in the snack bar. You’ll have to let them know the date, time and the required amount of hours they need to be there. Most duty times require a certain amount of adults over the age of 18 during the set time. Request for volunteers in person at the games, during practices and after the games during announcements.
- Picture day – You will need to coordinate picture day with the team. This includes receiving the picture packets to pass out to parents. Ideally you will want to pass these out ahead of time but be sure to have extra on the day of pictures – parents will inevitably leave their form at home. It will be your responsibility to inform parents:
- Which package is included when they registered (if any)
- What sections they need to fill out
- What they need to wear for pictures (full uniform including cleats, shin guards, shoulder pads) or uniform without gear (no shin guards, cleats, shoulder pads)
Advise parents to arrive 30 minutes prior to pictures and indicate where everyone should meet. If you are new to Picture Day, enlist the help of the coach to determine the best meeting place and time. Once everyone has arrived, you will need to collect their order forms. Typically those who are taking extra pictures will be asked to take their photographs first. Individual pictures are usually next and then the team picture. Be sure to bring the banner with you for the team picture. The Team Mom can absolutely be in the picture if desired or if the coach requests – that is completely up to you.
- Plan team party – There are tons of places you can have a team party. Some suggestions are:
- coach’s home or a team member’s home.
- Local amusement parks (party room)
- bowling alley
- park
- pizza parlor
- restaurant
- Purchase coach gift(s) – Purchase the coach’s gift(s) at least two weeks prior to end of season. After you’ve purchased the gift, let each parent know what the cost per player is (minus the coach’s child of course).
- Don’t feel you have to go it alone. You can absolutely delegate some duties to other parents who are willing to help.